Home | Transformative Product Design

A radical and transformative approach

Our best-in-class upstream and downstream bioprocessing solutions are co-created by you – the people on the front lines. We listen, understand, and collaborate with our customers from day one in order to deliver technology and solutions that meet current needs and evolve towards future goals. Together, we are refining flexibility, integration, and scalability so that anything is possible.

TEZALON Product Design

Transformative Bioprocess Product Design

The key to our revolutionary approach is front-end planning. We start by listening to you in order to understand your process and your future development goals up front. Only then can we provide a solution that’s unique to your application, supports your process, integrates with your existing systems, and is poised to meet your future needs.
TEZALON Collaborative Design

Collaborative Design & Co-Creation

Our design process is holistic, iterative, and truly collaborative. You are the co-creator of your own products and solutions from the start, rather than trying to modify an off-the-shelf solution to fit your specific application. All of our listening, thinking, and designing is done up front so that you end up with a genuinely custom designed product that has the capacity to get you to where you want to be.
TEZALON Unmatched Flexibility

Unmatched Flexibility

Our process and products are redefining flexibility. It’s not just about swapping out custom features, but about a radically different approach to design and methodology. Whether it’s changing out core components or adapting to scale up, the in-built flexibility of our solutions is led and shaped by the current needs of our clients and by where you’re headed in the future.
TEZALON Brand Agnostic

Brand Agnostic for Seamless Integration

Our aim is to make it quick, easy and cost-effective for you to do what you want, when you want. We design our products and components to be completely brand agnostic so that they integrate seamlessly, adapt to any modern control system, and you can make the modifications you need as you need them. You’re never locked in to a particular control system or vendor, and never held back by the limitations of the technology in front of you.
TEZALON Open Platform

The Freedom of Open Platform

With Tezalon, nothing is locked down or licensed. We use open platforms that are easy to work with, and can provide ongoing support as needed. Our technology, components, and software are not restricted or constrained, and your system can be as manual or as automated as you want.

Our Process

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TEZALON No Compromise

No Compromise

When you’re in the business of constantly breaking new ground, you can’t predict exactly where it’s going to take you. With Tezalon, you’re never locked in to a particular brand, product or platform and you’re never restricted by what the technology can do because you co-design your own solutions, and they evolve with your process. You save money, time and resources by working with us to deliver a solution up front that already has all the potential you need.